GSKI Duta Kalam started with the First Worship Service at January 12, 2020 at Jl. DI Panjaitan No. 66 C-D (behind Yoshinoya). Due to insufficient parking space then moved to Chanti Hotel until the 3rd week of March 2020 .

During the pandemic there was a change because Steven Liem, Boby and Yusuf wanted their Own Worship through their own YouTube channel while Rev. Walben Sijabat as the Lead Pastor prefers to follow directly from YouTube Jakarta on truth.id and some differences in vision and mission so that the Pastor Walben resigns from his involvement as Lead Pastor at GSKI Duta Kalam.

However, for unknown reasons, Steven Liem did not use the name GSKI Duta Kalam but instead changed it to GSKI City Blessing (Later on become GSKI Rehobot). However several congregations contacted Pdt. Walben Sijabat asked whether GSKI Duta Kalam was closed? Rev. Walben Sijabat was shocked and said that GSKI Duta Kalam was still there but attended a live worship service from the central synod.

Rev. Walben Sijabat gave all the existing facilities to Steven Liem and his friends, even the Chanti Hotel, which at that time had an MoU on behalf of GSKI Duta Kalam, they asked to use it. So all the existing facilities as properties of GSKI Duta Kalam were taken by them but are no longer used because they have changed names.

Duta Kalam joint the live streaming service from March - June 2020. Then at June 21, 2020, we started to worship at POP Hotel Jl. Simpang No. 9 (next to DP Mall). Starting Sunday, July 1 2020, there was a Java/Bali Emergency PPKM (covid keep your distance) and we joint back with streaming worship. Then at March 28, 2021, on site worship started again at SMP Gergaji on Jl. Kyai Saleh No. 3 Semarang. Since April 18, 2021, the place of worship has been moved to Hotel Azana Jl. Sudirman No. 386 Semarang. Starting at April 25, the place of worship moved to CitraDream Hotel Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 187 to December 2021.

Starting December 18, 2022, Worship moved to Hotel Pandanaran until now. And God sends God's servants who are sincere and eager to serve God, Pastor Yosua Ganda Simatupang, Pastor Yusak Dwipriono and Pastor Titus Douglas, who were ordained at October 13, 2022, and there is Mas Anjas Dwi Prasetyo who serves Multimedia. By June 2022, Pastor Titus resigns as he will move to others place. Then God sent Mas Kristian Nugroho and Mas Joshua Putra to be the Servant Team, also God sent the tambourine dancers.

God is working through His church and blessing many people receiving the Voice of Truth Teaching in Semarang. Then on March 2022 Ps Yosua Ganda Simatupang gave himself a calling to start the GSKI Duta Kalam branch in the Kampar-Riau area and God has provided the land for the construction site for the GSKI Duta Kalam Kampar building. Thanks God.

This note is made to remember that this ministry began with many events, but God still maintains and keeps it as His instrument in preparing souls to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

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